No, that is impossible. All voice call data are end-to-end encrypted through peer-to-peer architecture. Since we don't have the secret keys of our users we cannot decrypt your voice calls (your secret key never leaves your device and generated for each calls). Prior to actual voice data transfer starts (i.e. when a user intents to call someone), our nodes need to know caller and callee to start peer-to-peer voice call. But, after voice call is started, all voice communication data are transmitted through peer-to-peer architecture. So, we cannot even know what was transmitted.

Encrypted phone users in every corner of the world can use your own existing local or mobile number, clients can perform encrypted voice calling by dialing law firm number through innovative numbering system.

No, V-CRYPT decentralized network is a closed encrypted telephony infrastructure, our clients can only communicate with their own secure domain group or invited  other secure domain.

No. To able to increase privacy level, we do not synchronize your address book with any devices, servers or cloud services.

Yes, you can perform a remote wipe, deleting OS and app logs,  It can be triggered remotely by using your device admin app.

Our encrypted phones use multiple different types of encryption for different purposes. full-disk encryption AES XTS encryption with SHA-512 hashing.
Our Secure network uses IPsec encryption with AES-256 GCM cipher.
Call encryption uses ZRTP protocol with AES-256 DH3 4096-bit Diffie-Helman and SHA-256 hashing.
The protocols described above ensure that all communication remains encrypted from the moment it leaves the sender’s device until it reaches the counterparty phone.